Student Success Story

Hallie Betz

Southeastern Louisiana University
A headshot of Hallie Betz

I attended Southeastern Louisiana University and my degree is in Information Technology. I am a 21- year old 2020 graduate born and raised in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

I am a learner, so I wanted a degree in something I was not familiar with but interested in, and it had to be a challenge, because that’s what I’m best at, challenges; the thinking and problem-solving. Pursing a degree in IT would give me both.

What have been your favorite aspects about your school and program? My favorite aspect of my program is that it’s student-success oriented, and focused on real world training. Everyone cares, they want you to succeed, they get to know you, and long-standing professional relationship are made everyday.
Have you been connected to quality internship or job opportunities through your school and program? Were they valuable learning experiences for you? Yes! We are always informed of opportunities, events, and introductions to make connections with companies or representatives. They were very valuable experiences, it teaches the art of networking, which is so important in any program.
Are/were you involved in any on-campus extracurricular activities, affinity groups, or clubs? Yes, I am a member and former Vice president of SELU’s chapter of Gamma Beta Phi National Honor Society.
What would you tell a prospective student that is considering your school or program about your academic and New Orleans experience? Go for it. It’s an unmatched experience. The welcoming atmosphere, the level of support; they root for you, they offer resources to aid in your academic and personal growth and development. With that, you are bound to be successful.